Sunday, December 10, 2017

The Start of it All

        Biography: Katarina Thorsen, BSc (1984, University of British Columbia) for the past 25 years Katarina has specialized in "frontline experience with special needs populations, facilitating artistic expression in one-on-one and group settings".(
        Artist Statement: "Katarina (Kat) Thorsen, is an artist, a creative engagement facilitator and a craftivist passionate in her belief that art can heal and build connections. Kat specializes in arts-based programming for all ages, in particular engaging vulnerable populations. The heart of her work is visual storytelling, whole brain engagement and facilitation. Her interactive art events and street art encourages participants to become part of the creative process. Kat’s own artwork can be found in private collections in North America and Europe."(
        Techniques: Emphasis on lines that lead to the Main Focal Point-The Heart, Ordered Chas of Writing

The Heart, there are multiple reasons I decided on this work of art. First, I used this exercise during the peak of my anxiety disorder in order to find some sort of relief. It definitely helped as an outlet for me to express what I was feeling and was effective in that sense. Second, having Heart palpitations was the first sign of my anxiety disorder manifesting. For those of you who don't know, palpitations is a form of irregular heartbeat and can mean bad news for heart health, this can also be cause by anxiety which I of course would find out was the main cause for this to occur. This marked the beginning of me having a anxiety disorder for the rest of my life.

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