Sunday, December 10, 2017


        Biography: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb

Croatia with a Master Degree in Art History, Criticism and Conservation.(
        Artist Statement: "How an individual feels when affected by anxiety-depressive disorder? It feels like the world is going to swallow you and you need to defend against it."(
        Techniques: Color and Value- Used to draw to too focal points, the figure and the window. Contrast-to show the lonely dark room and the single window.

Depression is a very weird thing to feel, being sad and upset all the time can really have a negative effect on your life. when I was dealing with the worst of my anxiety disorder I fell in to a deep depression, I stayed in my room all day, didn't talk to anyone, and just felt bad for myself  from morning to night. This artist shows how you can have everything in the world and you can still feel like your in a dark room by yourself.

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