Sunday, December 10, 2017

The Fear of being alone

         Biography: "Edvard Munch was born in Norway in 1863 and, with the notable exception of the two decades from 1889 to 1909 spent traveling, studying, working and exhibiting in France and Germany, he lived there until his death in 1944. He was active as a painter from the 1880s until shortly before his death, though the greater part of his oeuvre, and certainly the better known part, was produced before the early 1920s"(
          Artist Statement:"Over and over again in his pictures of the middle 1890s Munch used variations of the same images - the column of light on the sea, the blonde giri on the beach, the lustful woman in red, the older woman in black, the unhappy man, etc - juggling them in various combinations to symbolize different human conditions and relations. Here he illustrates the man's sorrow at parting from his love"(
            Techniques: Multiple Focal Points on the man and women, Specific emphasis on position of the mans hand.

After I began to have panic attacks regularly, I would have this irrational fear that my anxiety would hit and I would have no one around to help calm me down, specifically my mother who has been my support system during these times. I would get really anxious and uncomfortable anytime I was alone that I would often go to places I didn't really have any interest going just so that someone was around. This painting immediately reminded me of that horrible feeling I would often get.

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