Sunday, December 10, 2017

The Heart and Mind

     Bio: "Rivka Korf is a self-taught Graphic Designer and Illustrator. She paints in her free time while her two-year old baby is sleeping. Rivka’s art consists of expressionist and surrealistic paintings that express strong emotions."(
     Artists Statement: "A cacophony of shrieking voices piercing the dark night, emitted from faces contorted with fear, a jumble of pain and anguish, despair and anger. The faces are rooted in a contorted and tortured heart. The gloomy background suggests darkness, while the blue hues of the faces imply indifference."(
       Techniques: Repetition of Faces(Main focal point),  Subverting the Canon of Porportions(Elongated neck, heart), Abstract

I chose this painting by Rivka Korf as my final post because this to me symbolizes the big picture of the power anxiety disorders hold. The heart connecting to the repetition of screaming faces shows that what ever the mind feels the heart will follow suit, meaning whatever the mind believes the body will react accordingly, whether its fear, worrying, panic attacks, etc. A person with an anxiety disorder had a daily battle they have to face every time they wake up. Hopefully this different works of art will give you an understanding of the very real issues we face everyday.

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