Sunday, December 10, 2017

Always Happy

  • Artist: Shawn Coss
  • Title: I can always make you smile
  • Media: Black Pen Ink
  • Dimensions:N/A
  • Date:October 2016
  • Source
         Biography: "I'm an Ohio based artist who loves to sling ink and paint at paper until it forms some time of creature. It's very therapeutic. I also work for the ever popular webcomic and cartoon show, Cyanide and Happiness."(
         Artist Statement:"Last year I took part in the annual inktober series and decided to tackle mental health as my 31 designs. I researched and studied each illness as I created them and was blown away by all of the reaction and support for my art depictions. Featured across Buzzfeed, Huffington post, and across the US and world."(
         Techniques: Subverting The Canon of Proportions-elongated neck, arms, mouth etc., One main focal point-Large Smile

There is a saying that normally the people who look the happiest, that makes everyone laugh are usually the ones in most pain. I have always been known as a happy outgoing person, when I got my anxiety disorder I would often lie about how I was feeling and put on a happy front. Even now you would never know I have any type of disorder due to fear of being judged or treated differently. There are people in this world that only show you that "happy" smile, the stigma behind anxiety and depression has caused people suffering to bottle their emotions up until they finally have a breakdown and that is such a sad thing to see and experience.

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