Sunday, December 10, 2017

Exhibition Introduction

A Walk Through My Anxiety Disorder
Artists Featured(First-Last)
  • Katarina Thorsen
  • David Ford
  • Saša Auguštanec
  • Casey Gallagher
  • Shawn Coss
  • Edvard Munch
  • John Ruess
  • Marla Edwards
  • Joseph Loughborough
  • Rivka Korf
Exhibition Statement:
Hello, My name is Armando Guillen and welcome to "A Walk Through My Anxiety Disorder". When I was 18 years old I was diagnosed with a anxiety disorder, and during that time I went through one of most difficult times in my life. During this point of my life I would experience on average a dozen anxiety attacks a month and deal with the accompanying symptoms that no amount of research can prepare your for. Shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, dizziness, depression, constant worrying, social anxiety, were just some of things I experienced for the first time in my life. I put together these collection of artists to try and show you what I felt and went through, with every artist specifically chosen to express the specific experiences and struggles that come with having an anxiety disorder. My goal is to bring awareness to the very real struggles anxiety can bring to someones life and to let any reader that has had any of these experiences, you are not alone. I hope you enjoy!

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