Sunday, December 10, 2017

The Task of Breathing

         Biography: "Casey Gallagher is an artist and art educator. After earning a Bachelor's Degree in Anthropology and spending years in the corporate world, she has returned to her passion for the arts and completed a Masters Degree in Art & Art Education at Teachers College, Columbia University. She is currently teaching elementary art in Pelham, New York."(
     Artist Statement: "I believe art is a crucial element when fully addressing modern human culture. Most ideas cannot be expressed with only words or actions; rather they require color, space, and tangible materials. I use these tools and materials to explore the tension that exists between the emotional and mechanical aspects of the human experience. I aim to peel back the layers of an event in order to expose a singular moment. Through the use of unexpected color and subject matter, I hope to uncover the dichotomy of one’s inner anxieties and mindfulness, while also exploring the social and environmental relationships among humans and nature. It is in this vein that I hope to create artworks which exhibit new depths of emotional expression and push the boundaries of what I find comfortable."(
        Techniques: Emphasis on Unity of the colors to show the drowning figure, Ordered Chaos of colors to make the drowning man the main focal point

There is one symptom from my anxiety above all the others that happens the most, shortness of breath when anxious. The feeling of not being able to get a satisfying breath not matter how hard you try is the equivalent of drowning and it is the most helpless feeling in the world. There are days that I wake up and I wont get one full breath all day, I believe that is why this painting connected to me because this feeling is something I experience every other week.

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