Sunday, December 10, 2017

The Emptiness

         Biography: "Born 1973 in Germany, now living and working in Denmark. Being a self taught artist, John Reuss comes from a professional background in graphic layout & design, marketing and communication."(
        Artists Statement : "My Work Is Characterized By Contrasts - The Juxtaposition Of Opposites On Several Levels - Which Is Recognized Throughout My Paintings. Fine Detail, Drawn Lines And Meticulously Painted Shapes Clash With Bold Brushstrokes, Spatters And Blurred Contours. Soft Organic Shapes And Multifaceted Figures Meet Hard, Calculated Geometric Abstractions."(
         Techniques: Focal points on the mouth and heads/ Value and contrast from Mouth to Head to show emphasis on mouth

When suffering from an anxiety disorder, your head can feel like its in the clouds, or like this picture  shows, completely filled with darkness. There is something very frustrating about not being able to concentrate on something you want give your full attention to. Where your mind is in a state of confusion all day it can take a tole on someone, so much that it makes me want to scream sometimes. This painting expresses exactly what that feels like.

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