Sunday, December 10, 2017

Pins and Needles

        Biography: " A self-taught artist, David Ford has pursued on-site cultural studies in places like Morocco, Guatemala, Cuba, and Turkey. His experimental process continues to layer and explore. A push-pull in his work has remained a constant for twenty-five years. While probing the limits of taste and decorum, he has received awards from the Charlotte Street Foundation, the Tanne Foundation, Art Omi, and Creative Capital."(
        Artist Statement: "The acute anxiety I was diagnosed with. This painting was a momentary lapse of anxiety. I had a sheet already waiting, as well as my paints. My creativity was blocked by nerves, so I let them manifest and began to attack the paper with colors. Very soon it took form."(
        Techniques: Abstract Design, Emphasis on Disunity-Ordered Chaos to form shape in middle

There is this feeling I get when a I am about to have an anxiety attack that feels like little pins and needles running all over my face and body. Think of the feeling you get when your leg falls asleep, but twice as strong and runs all over your body. That numbing feeling has to be one of the most annoying sensations I have ever felt and I found it very difficult to put into a visual example. David Ford came about as close as I could find as to what this would feel like and happens to be one my personal favorite works.

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