Sunday, December 10, 2017

The Conclusion:

        This process of creating my own art exhibit was very interesting for me, never being an art person before, finding out that many artists have gone through what I have was eye opening experience. Choosing from the right artists that would support my theme of anxiety and mental issues was a real treat because I found many artists use painting as an outlet to cope with their mental issues or anxieties. What came naturally was finding the works of art that really expressed how I felt while dealing with my anxiety disorder, what did not come easy was finding the dimensions and info needed for all the paintings. This caused me to get rid of some great paintings due to lack of info provided by the artists, but as I learned thats what comes with the process of putting a virtual art exhibit. I gained a lot of respect for the job of a curator, I had a tough time choosing from the sheer amount of artists on todays world and deciding who would fit the theme that I envisioned. I can only imagine how tough it must be to create a real exhibit and the pressure these people face when deciding who they want. Thousands of people in the world deal with anxiety in their life, when I was diagnosed with a anxiety disorder I felt like I was drowning and I was alone. Reading about the different experiences of these artists and how similar our reactions were was almost a relief, a relief knowing I am not alone and that there are ways to cope, and live a better quality of life which was the most important thing I gained from this. Thank you!

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